Guide Prices & Costs

How much does a new boiler cost?

Want to know how much it’ll cost you to replace your old boiler with a new one? There are several websites around that offer new boiler installation services now – in the past you had to go through each website individually, answering several questions, to obtain a boiler price.

Frankly, everyone expects a new boiler to cost the earth, but is this always the case? Here we delve into the average prices for buying a boiler in the UK.

Make sure to read our guide on which boiler is right for you.

Basic boiler types explained

At CompareBoilerCover, we understand that choosing the right boiler for your home can be a daunting task.

To help you make an informed decision, let’s take a closer look at the different types of boilers available in the UK:

1. Combi Boilers:

Combi boilers, also known as combination boilers, are a top choice for many homeowners due to their space-saving design and energy efficiency. They provide both heating and hot water on demand, eliminating the need for a separate water tank. Combi boilers are ideal for smaller homes or properties with limited space, and with prices ranging from around £900 for budget models to £1,000 – £2,000 for premium models, they offer a cost-effective and convenient solution.


  • Space-saving design
  • Efficient heating and hot water on demand
  • No need for a separate water tank


  • Limited hot water flow rate compared to system boilers
  • May not be suitable for larger properties with high hot water demand

2. System Boilers:

System boilers work with a hot water cylinder to store and supply hot water to taps and showers. They are a great option for properties with multiple bathrooms or larger households requiring high hot water demand. The cost of a system boiler ranges from £600 for budget models to £1,300 – £2,500 for premium models.


  • Suitable for properties with high hot water demand
  • No need for a separate cold water tank
  • Faster hot water delivery compared to regular boilers


  • Requires space for a hot water cylinder
  • Initial installation cost can be higher than combi boilers

3. Conventional Boilers:

Conventional boilers, also known as regular or heat-only boilers, require a separate hot water cylinder and cold water tank. They are a traditional choice and are most suitable for older properties with existing heating systems. Prices for conventional boilers start from around £800 for budget models to £1,500 – £2,500 for premium models.


  • Compatible with older heating systems
  • Can supply hot water to multiple outlets simultaneously


  • Requires space for a hot water cylinder and cold water tank
  • Less energy-efficient compared to combi and system boilers

How much is a stand-alone replacement boiler?

Generally, a new boiler will cost between £700 – £2,500, depending on the model and type of syste:

  • A new combi boiler costs around £700 for a budget model, £900 – £1,200 for a mid-range model and £1,000 – £2,000 for a premium model, depending on the size of the boiler.
  • A new system boiler costs £700 – £900 for a budget model, £900 – £1,300 for a mid-range model and £1,300 – 2,500 for a premium model.

What about real-life Combi Boiler costs?

A new combi boiler costs on average about £1,500, all the way up to £3,500, including installation, depending on the type of boiler you’d like, its warranty length, how complex the required installation is, and what the labour costs are in the area which you live.

Premium boiler replacement cost, of course will be higher than a standard install.

We know it’s frustrating having to enter your boiler details into various websites, or even having to call around different companies.

Most people don’t understand the basics of a boiler system – any why should they? After all, you are not a heating engineer. And yet when searching for new boiler quotes, you are expected to know the ins-and-outs of your heating system!

We decided this wasn’t fair. At NewBoiler we compare prices on different boilers from different installers – in your area.

What about London new boiler costs?

As with everything, prices in London (and the SE) are a lot more expensive than other parts of the country – as a general rule. But how much does a new boiler cost in London today?

Well, if it’s a straightforward job, you should be looking towards the lower end of the scale of around £1200. If your job is extremely complicated, expect it to be higher. Most end up with a new boiler cost somewhere in the middle.

Here is a sample of recent London prices for top boiler models:

Boiler ModelCost
Vitodens 100-W 13kW£1,995
Vitodens 100-W 19kW£2,295
Vitodens 100-W 26kW£2,540
Vitodens 100-W 35kW£2,879
Ideal Logic 15kW£1,895
Ideal Logic 19kW£2,095
Ideal Logic 24kW£2,360
Ideal Logic 30kW£2,879

If you aren’t sure what boiler model you need (or have) then we can find the most suitable one for you.

Whether you are replacing a boiler that is very old, or only a few years old but has konked out, NewBoiler compares new boiler installation quotes from companies like Heatable, British Gas and many more. Find the cheapest price, you will be surprised how much variation in price there is, depending on the company.

FAQs about Boiler Prices

Why is British Gas boiler installation so expensive?

Although it may seem that British Gas boiler prices are higher than competitors, surprisingly we’ve found this is not always the case. And remember, we compare thousands of boiler prices every day.

Taking a look at the average prices that British Gas charge around the UK, versus their competitors, most surprisingly of all is that they are sometimes the cheapest company in some areas. For example we found that in Scotland in general, British Gas are cheaper than BoilerCentral and Heatable hands-down!

Are Heatable cheap?

Heatable are one of the up-and-coming boiler installation companies in the UK. But are they cheaper than the rest? The short answer is: not always.

In fact we found that consistently BoilerCentral was a few hundred pounds cheaper, although of course there is some variation on prices depending on where in the UK you are.

We compare boiler installation/replacement prices up and down the entire UK including N. Ireland, so compare quotes for your new boiler now, and save up to £800.

Which boiler installer is cheapest?

It depends on where in the UK you are. In England, we found the BoilerCentral was cheaper. In Wales, Heatable was cheaper. And in Scotland, British Gas was cheaper (yes really!). So it really does matter where you live.

Prices vary so much because installers set the prices, not the companies, and if they have to travel longer distances then these costs need to be recouped.

That said, London is the most expensive place to buy a replacement boiler, but that is simply because everything in London is more expensive than the rest of the UK.

4.4/5 - (7 votes)

Why is British Gas boiler installation so expensive?

Although it may seem that British Gas boiler prices are higher than competitors, surprisingly we've found this is not always the case. And remember, we compare thousands of boiler prices every day.

Taking a look at the average prices that British Gas charge around the UK, versus their competitors, most surprisingly of all is that they are sometimes the cheapest company in some areas. For example we found that in Scotland in general, British Gas are cheaper than BoilerCentral and Heatable hands-down!

What makes a boiler installation more expensive in London?

London's higher cost of living and greater demand for services can contribute to slightly higher boiler installation prices compared to other parts of the UK. However, we work with a network of installers across the country, including London, to help you find the most affordable options available.

Is Heatable always the cheapest option?

While Heatable is an up-and-coming boiler installation company known for competitive prices, they may not always be the absolute cheapest. The cost can vary based on your location and other factors. We recommend comparing quotes from multiple installers, including Heatable, to find the best deal for your new boiler.

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